Photo credit : NathB
It is with pride that the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI) announces the election of Ms. Julie Gendron as director of the Ordre des chimistes du Québec for a three-year term. Governed by the Professional Code, the function of this professional order is to ensure the protection of the public by regulating and supervising professional activities that may involve risks of harm to the public.
By sitting on the Board of Directors, Ms. Gendron will have the opportunity to contribute to this mission and share her own vision. A dynamic woman with a thousand projects, Ms. Gendron has been with the CTTÉI for 11 years. With a degree in chemistry from the Université de Sherbrooke, she is both project manager and head of laboratories. She has worked on the characterization and development of various types of industrial by-products, including a major project on the development of environmentally friendly concrete slabs funded by NSERC followed by the development of a sidewalk concrete incorporating recycled paint. This social involvement will be one more string to its bow!