SOREL-TRACY, February 28, 2019
The CTTÉI draws up a positive balance sheet of its research activities related to industrial symbioses. Over the past four years, CTTÉI's involvement has been :
- 2,400 hours dedicated to leading the Synergie Québec community of practice
- 1,600 hours of technical support
- 20 networking workshops
- 3 tools developed, including a GHG calculator
- 12 presentations by Synergie Québec at scientific symposiums
- 11 presentations of industrial symbioses in university courses
- 3 university students hired
- 2 international collaborations
The economic and environmental impact of Synergie Québec's activities is significant with :
- 1,500 companies supported
- More than 5,000 documented material flows
- More than 400 concrete meshings
This 2014-2018 report card reflects the importance of applied research in the industrial symbiosis sector in Quebec.
Download the full report here.