Cover Synergy Collection 2022

The 2022 Synergy Compendium demonstrates the intensification of circular economy approaches in Quebec

Sorel-Tracy, November 29, 2022 - The Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI) and Synergie Québec present a growing variety of examples of circular economy in the third Compendium of Synergies 2022. Each of the thirteen concrete examples of synergies is presented by the industrial symbiosis that initiated and accompanied it. These documented success stories Learn more aboutThe Synergy Compendium 2022 is a testament to the growing number of circular economy initiatives in Quebec[...]

Circularity study - Drill

Positive balance sheet but room for improvement for the circularity of the Quebec forestry sector

Sorel-Tracy, June 21, 2022 - The Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI) publishes a public report on the circularity of the forestry sector in Quebec, prepared for Natural Resources Canada. Natural Resources Canada has mandated the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI) to study the circularity of the Quebec forestry sector. Read more aboutPositive balance sheet but room for improvement for the circularity of the Quebec forestry sector[...].

Novae 2022 Award

The EFC QUÉBEC project, coordinated by the CTTÉI, wins a Novae Award

On Wednesday, May 4, 2022, the Programme d'accompagnement en économie de la fonctionnalité et de la coopération auprès des entreprises québécoises (EFC Québec) won a Novae Prize in recognition of its innovative work on one of the lesser known strategies of the circular economy. For the past 9 years, the Novae Prizes have been awarded to 20 projects each year Read more aboutThe EFC QUÉBEC project, coordinated by the CTTÉI, wins a Novae Prize[...].

Capture Website Synergie Québec

The CTTÉI gives Synergie Québec an eco-responsible website

Sorel-Tracy, April 12, 2022 - The Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI) launches a new eco-responsible website for Synergie Québec. In order to reduce the digital footprint of its activities, the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI) has launched a new website for Synergie Québec that stands out for its eco-friendlydesign.

Collection of synergies 2021

The 2021 Synergy Sourcebook proves that the circular economy is on the move in Quebec

Sorel-Tracy, May 26, 2021 - The Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI) and Synergie Québec present the Recueil de synergies 2021. With 32 synergies and as many positive spin-offs, this second volume proves that the circular economy is on the move in Quebec. It was during the Assises de l'économie circulaire organized by RECYC-QUÉBEC that the CTTÉI and Synergie Québec presented the Recueil desynergies 2021.

EFC Quebec logo

6 territories propel EFC Québec - Functional economy support programme

Sorel-Tracy, May 17, 2021 - Six territorial symbioses will propel the Functional Economy Accompaniment Program to Quebec businesses, under the coordination of the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI), thanks to $1,124,536 in funding from the Quebec government. Six organisations, experts in the circular economy and close to their territory, are propelling EFC Québec - Programme d'accompagnement en économie de la fonctionnalité[... ]


CTTÉI reports positively on its research activities on industrial symbioses

SOREL-TRACY, February 28, 2019 CTTÉI draws a positive balance sheet of its research activities related to industrial symbioses. Over the past four years, CTTÉI's involvement has represented: 2,400 hours dedicated to the Synergie Québec community of practice 1,600 hours of technical support 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis 20 workshops on industrial symbiosis...


Jennifer Pinna becomes a circular economy consultant

The CTTÉI is proud to announce the appointment of Ms. Jennifer Pinna to the position of Circular Economics Advisor. Passionate about residual materials and circular economy strategies, Ms. Pinna has been involved in the development of the CTTÉI for the past 8 years. With an unusual background, Ms. Pinna holds a Bachelor's degree in Literary Studies, a technical and theoretical background, and a Bachelor's degree in Circular Economy.


RECYC-QUÉBEC injects $180,000 into Kamouraska: from the industrial symbiosis to the circular economy

As proactive as ever in its desire to establish the circular economy in the Kamouraska region, the Société d'aide au développement de la collectivité (SADC) du Kamouraska obtained financial assistance of $180,000 from RECYC-QUÉBEC as part of the Transition to the Circular Economy (APTEC) call for proposals. The CFDC is thus continuing to deploy its new initiative to help the Kamouraska region move toward a circular economy. The CFDC is injecting $180,000 into Kamouraska: from the industrial symbiosis to the circular economy ...


Circular economy and industrial symbiosis : Premises and GHG balance sheet

The Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI), Synergie Économique Laurentides, members of the Communauté Synergie Québec, the Association française ORÉE and the MRC de Sept-Rivières were at the Colloque de gestion des matières résiduelles organized by Réseau Environnement and presented by RECYC-QUÉBEC and Éco Entreprises Québec on September 20. It was with some excitement and in the heat of the fall that their panel closed the 2017 edition of En savoir plus surÉconomie circulaire and industrial symbiosis : Premises and GHG balance sheet ...
