Technological showcase for Sorel-Tracy

1st row: Marc Poudrier CISSS Montérégie-Est, Cécile Michoux Cascades, Serge Péloquin Mayor of Sorel-Tracy, Nathalie Robitaille Synergie Santé Environnement, Mike Pazsti, Pierre Tremblay and Tommy Chateauneuf from Terrapure Environnement, Pedro Segura Université de Sherbrooke, Josée Plamondon CLD Pierre-de-Saurel 2nd row: Fabienne Desroches Cégep Sorel-Tracy, Dominique Beaudry Agnico-Eagle, Hélène Gignac, Jean-François Vermette and Claude Maheux-Picard from CTTEI.

CTTÉI consolidates its expertise in clean processes

Sorel-Tracy, June 1, 2017 - It is in the presence of the Mayor of Sorel-Tracy, Mr. Serge Péloquin, and its research partners that the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI), associated with the Cégep de Sorel-Tracy, announced the granting of $2,300,000 in funding for the development of unique expertise in the field of clean processes. The majority of the funding, $2,085,000, comes from the College and Community Innovation Program of the Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The remaining $215,000 comes from local companies and partners who have made a five-year commitment to this major project.

The "Hydrothermal Oxidation Applied to Quebec Environmental Problems" project will enable the CTTÉI to create a new full-time highly qualified job, hire 3 to 6 students per year and consolidate several jobs.

Since 2008, the CTTÉI has been working on the theme of clean processes applied to residual materials. They are defined as innovative processes that have a lesser impact on the environment than current recycling or recovery methods. Among them, hydrothermal processes take advantage of the characteristics of pressurized hot water (sub or supercritical H2O) and provide new solutions to various environmental problems.

"Hydrothermal processes make it possible to treat a wide range of organic pollutants (e.g., municipal sludge, paper mill sludge, industrial effluents, hospital effluents), using water as the only solvent and the pollutant itself as the only fuel. However, they are not well known in Quebec, says Jean-François Vermette, Clean Processes Project Manager at the CTTÉI. »

To carry out its projects, the CTTÉI can count on a multidisciplinary team of engineers, chemists and technicians. The director of the Cégep de Sorel-Tracy, Ms. Fabienne Desroches, is pleased with the recognition of the CTTÉI's expertise at the national level. She also saluted the participation of three professor-researchers from the Collège, Patrick Desjardins, Marc Olivier and Marie-Claude Brouillard, in the work of the CTTÉI as well as the annual hiring of three to four students from the Collège.

This new project positions Quebec and the city of Sorel-Tracy at the forefront of clean processes in Canada. For the mayor of Sorel-Tracy, Serge Péloquin, "this line of research is in line with Sorel-Tracy's recognition as a Technopole in industrial ecology. It is an opportunity for the City to better manage the sludge from its aerated ponds, but also to become a technological showcase in this field. »

The CTTÉI, one of the major partners of the Technopole en écologie industrielle de Sorel-Tracy, aims to position the region in the field of residual materials reclamation, product development from residues and clean technologies.

"The federal government supports investments that help build an innovative economy and create quality jobs to support a vibrant middle class. Fostering strong partnerships between Canadian colleges and industrial partners leads to innovative ideas and helps turn R&D results into new products that benefit all Canadians," said the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science. »

It should be noted that obtaining this funding would not have been possible without the contribution of the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie, which financed travel to France that enabled the CTTÉI to acquire knowledge on supercritical fluids and to develop its relations with experts in the field.


Each year, NSERC invests more than $1 billion in research in the natural sciences and engineering in Canada. These funds enable more than 11,000 world-class professors and researchers to make discoveries and produce scientific breakthroughs. These funds also foster partnerships and collaborations that bring companies closer to discoveries and breakthroughs. NSERC's partnerships between researchers and companies help guide R&D, address the challenges of moving from the laboratory to the marketplace and reduce the risks associated with developing high-potential technologies.

Source: CTTÉI

For information: Hélène Gignac, Executive Director

450 551-8090, ext. 3514

