Federal government and six key players join forces to create a circular plastics economy

MONTREAL, Quebec, February 25, 2020 - With the support of Environment and Climate Change Canada, five major companies in Canada's food, beverage and packaging sector, in collaboration with the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA), are joining forces and creating the Circular Plastics Action Group (CPAG) to help create a circular plastics economy... Read more onThe federal government and six key players are joining forces to create a circular plastics economy....


Circular economy and industrial symbiosis : Premises and GHG balance sheet

The Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI), Synergie Économique Laurentides, members of the Communauté Synergie Québec, the Association française ORÉE and the MRC de Sept-Rivières were at the Colloque de gestion des matières résiduelles organized by Réseau Environnement and presented by RECYC-QUÉBEC and Éco Entreprises Québec on September 20. It was with some excitement and in the heat of the fall that their panel closed the 2017 edition of En savoir plus surÉconomie circulaire and industrial symbiosis : Premises and GHG balance sheet ...
