Annual General Meeting

The Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle held its 22nd annual general meeting on October 27. On this occasion, the executive director, Claude Maheux-Picard, presented to the directors and members present the balance sheet of activities for the year 2021-2022.
With revenues of $3.2 million, representing an 18% increase over the previous year, the CTTÉI shows a record of strong growth despite a small deficit.
The 129 projects carried out have allowed the development of 19 marketable products, the creation of 5 direct jobs and the publication of 3 free downloadable guides(Guide de caractérisation des matières résiduelles, Circularité du secteur forestier québécois and Trousse pour l'élaboration d'une feuille de route territoriale). The inauguration of its new hydrothermal oxidation laboratory, an innovative clean technology, was a highlight of this past year.
A renewed executive and new faces on the Board of Directors
The year 2022-2023 begins with the arrival of Ms. Dominique Dodier, General Manager at EnviroCompétences, as President and Mr. François Prud'homme, President and General Manager at Valusol, as Vice President. Mrs. Stéphanie Desmarais, general manager of the Cégep de Sorel-Tracy remains on the executive as secretary-treasurer. Furthermore, two new members have joined the board, Mr. Antoine De Tilly from Développement économique Pierre-de-Saurel and Mr. Richard Mimeau from Matrec GFL.
The CTTÉI would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the commitment and contribution of Ms. Cécile Michoux, Director of Environment and Climate Change at Transat, who has stepped down as President after more than 10 years of involvement with the CTTÉI. The other members of the Board of Directors are Mr. Gilles Bernardin of Valorisation Bernardin, Mr. Gilles Venne ofÉco-Captation, Mr. Arold Isaac of Kamik/Genfoot and Mr. Guillaume Hudon of Rio Tinto Fer et Titane.
Welcome to new members!
It costs only $150/year to become a member of the CTTÉI and encourage it in its mission to support businesses and organizations in their transition to the circular economy.