Jennifer Pinna becomes a circular economy consultant

The CTTÉI is proud to announce the appointment of Ms. Jennifer Pinna to the position of Circular Economics Advisor. Passionate about residual materials and circular economy strategies, Ms. Pinna has been involved in the development of the CTTÉI for the past 8 years. With an unusual background, Ms. Pinna holds a Bachelor's degree in Literary Studies, a technical and theoretical background, and a Bachelor's degree in Circular Economy.

Julien Beaulieu

A CTTÉI researcher in the PME-MTL Est-de-l'île team

Last spring, a major project with an economic flavour, PME-MTL Est-de-l'île, was launched on industrial symbiosis its territory. The objective is to revitalize its sector by encouraging local businesses and shops to exchange resources in order to reduce their raw material purchasing and waste disposal costs. As a result, several residual materials will thus be More aboutA CTTÉI researcher on the PME-MTL Est-de-l'île team ...
