CTTÉI on mission in Reunion Island

A territory with multiple challenges As a small island of 2,500 km² in the Indian Ocean, Reunion Island brings together many of the major challenges experienced on a global scale. Over the last 50 years, its territory has undergone major transformations marked by sustained demographic growth and economic development. The population has doubled to reach 850 More information onThe CTTÉI on mission in Reunion Island ...


Industrial ecology: the content of a training course for enterprises is now available free of charge

Montréal, June 19, 2018 - The Conseil Patronal de l'Environnement du Québec (CPEQ) and the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI) are proud to announce the public launch of the content of their training program for Québec companies entitled "Industrial Ecology - How to Take Action? "This training, designed in 2015 at the CTTÉI, is now available free of charge to all Quebec businesses.


The CTTÉI is expanding its team!

As a direct result of growing sales, two new employees joined the Industrial Ecology Technology Transfer Centre (CTTÉI) team in the last month. On the laboratory side, Phousadavanh Chounlamany came to fill a laboratory technician position that has been vacant since last April. Graduating from the DEC in Environment, Health and Safety Learn more aboutThe CTTÉI is expanding its team! […]


Québec supports a study on industrial synergies between the Contrecœur-Varennes and Sorel-Tracy IP zones

Sorel-Tracy, May 1, 2018 - The Government of Quebec grants $15,216 in financial assistance to the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTEI). This amount will be used to carry out a $21,738 study aimed, among other things, at identifying potential industrial synergies between the Contrecœur-Varennes and Sorel-Tracy industrial port zones (IP zones). The Minister En savoir plus surQuébec is supporting a study on industrial synergies between the Contrecœur-Varennes and Sorel-Tracy IP zones [...].

Claude Maheux-Picard

Claude Maheux-Picard appointed Director General of the CTTÉI

The President of the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI) Dominique Beaudry and the Director General of the Cégep de Sorel-Tracy are proud to announce the appointment of Ms. Claude Maheux-Picard to the position of Director General of the CTTÉI. Ms. Maheux-Picard was already acting as Technical Director of the CTTÉI and assumed the interim position when she left the CTTÉI More aboutClaude Maheux-Picard appointed Director General of the CTTÉI .

Hélène Gignac

CTTEI salutes Hélène Gignac's contribution to the deployment of industrial ecology

17 years at the helm of the CTTÉI After more than 17 years at the helm of the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI) at the Cégep de Sorel-Tracy, Hélène Gignac will be leaving her position on December 31. Having worked in communications, the environment and politics, Hélène is embarking on the adventure of research Learn more aboutThe CTTEI salutes Hélène Gignac's contribution to the deployment of industrial ecology ...


Circular economy and industrial symbiosis : Premises and GHG balance sheet

The Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI), Synergie Économique Laurentides, members of the Communauté Synergie Québec, the Association française ORÉE and the MRC de Sept-Rivières were at the Colloque de gestion des matières résiduelles organized by Réseau Environnement and presented by RECYC-QUÉBEC and Éco Entreprises Québec on September 20. It was with some excitement and in the heat of the fall that their panel closed the 2017 edition of En savoir plus surÉconomie circulaire and industrial symbiosis : Premises and GHG balance sheet ...


All united for textiles!

Enhancing the value of Quebec's textile supply According to 2008 data, nearly 180,000 tonnes of residential textiles are rejected each year by Quebec households, or 24 kg per inhabitant. The quantities generated by Quebec's industrial sector are unknown, but would exceed 15,000 tonnes per year. In developed countries, the quantity of textiles produced in Quebec is more than 15,000 tonnes per year. […]


CTTÉI Scholarship in Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy

Agreement signed with CUFE A formal agreement is being signed between the CTTÉI and the Centre universitaire de formation en environnement (CUFE) of the Université de Sherbrooke. "Through this agreement, the CTTÉI wishes to formalize its current practice of awarding scholarships for tests carried out by Master's students in environmental studies on En savoir plus surCTTÉI's scholarship in industrial ecology and circular economy [...].


CTTÉI and the industrial symbiosis FAB CAMP MÉGANTIC

DESIGN - CREATE - PRODUCE WITH INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY After the success of the Reinventing Entrepreneurship event in 2015, the Magnetic Centre is back this year with a FAB CAMP. This day is full of interventions and activities and is dedicated to Quebec designers, creators and manufacturers. Participants are offered different routes to shake up their ideas, meet other pro-actors Read more about The CTTÉI and the industrial symbiosis at FAB CAMP MEGANTIC[...]
