Midi Conference Circular economy: concrete and inspiring examples

CIRCULAR ECONOMY CONFERENCE WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 AT NOON As part of Green Economy Week, Claude Maheux-Picard, Jean-François Vermette and Pascal Lemoine will give a conference on the circular economy. Bring your lunch and discover how organizations have concretely improved their business model and value chain. It's the Read more aboutCircular economy conference: concrete and inspiring examples[...]

Launch of Symbiose College

Cégep de Sorel-Tracy and CTTÉI launch Symbiose collège

Sorel-Tracy, September 29, 2020 - The Cégep de Sorel-Tracy and the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTEI) are launching the Symbiose collège project. Headed by the Research Chair on Industrial and Territorial Ecology (CREIT), Symbiose will document the metabolism of the Cégep de Sorel-Tracy as part of an action-research approach. During the academic year 2020-2021, the Cégep de Sorel-Tracy and the CTTÉI are launching Symbiose college ...

Cover of the CTTEI Annual Report - 2019-2020

Growth and Relevance - CTTEI Annual Report 2019-2020

Sorel-Tracy, September 28, 2020 - As the CTTÉI entered the final year of its 2015-2020 strategic plan in the fall of 2019, no one could anticipate the events of spring 2020. Fortunately, a well-filled project book and the rapid return to the lab after only a month and a half of closure allowed the CTTTEI to close More onGrowth and Relevance - CTTTEI Annual Report 2019-2020 ...


Circular Economy: Launch of the 1st Synergy Compendium in Quebec

Sorel-Tracy, May 12, 2020 - The Synergie Québec community, led by the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTÉI), is launching the first Synergy Compendium of 11 concrete and inspiring cases of achievements in the circular economy in Québec. In this Synergy Compendium, 25 companies and organizations testify, with supporting figures, to the benefits of the circular economy in Québec. The Compendium includes 11 concrete and inspiring cases of achievements in the circular economy in Québec.


Federal government and six key players join forces to create a circular plastics economy

MONTREAL, Quebec, February 25, 2020 - With the support of Environment and Climate Change Canada, five major companies in Canada's food, beverage and packaging sector, in collaboration with the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA), are joining forces and creating the Circular Plastics Action Group (CPAG) to help create a circular plastics economy... Read more onThe federal government and six key players are joining forces to create a circular plastics economy....


Does the circularity of materials mean anything to you?

Listen to Julien Beaulieu, a researcher at the CTTÉI, explain what it is all about, with examples to back it up! Coffee that becomes mushroom, polystyrene that becomes concrete, stale bread that becomes beer...so many residues that are transformed into resources for a more circular future. This vignette is an initiative of Québec Circulaire and the Institut EDDEC, Learn more aboutThe circularity of materials rings a bell? […]


Jennifer Pinna becomes a circular economy consultant

The CTTÉI is proud to announce the appointment of Ms. Jennifer Pinna to the position of Circular Economics Advisor. Passionate about residual materials and circular economy strategies, Ms. Pinna has been involved in the development of the CTTÉI for the past 8 years. With an unusual background, Ms. Pinna holds a Bachelor's degree in Literary Studies, a technical and theoretical background, and a Bachelor's degree in Circular Economy.


CTTÉI on mission in Reunion Island

A territory with multiple challenges As a small island of 2,500 km² in the Indian Ocean, Reunion Island brings together many of the major challenges experienced on a global scale. Over the last 50 years, its territory has undergone major transformations marked by sustained demographic growth and economic development. The population has doubled to reach 850 More information onThe CTTÉI on mission in Reunion Island ...


Québec supports a study on industrial synergies between the Contrecœur-Varennes and Sorel-Tracy IP zones

Sorel-Tracy, May 1, 2018 - The Government of Quebec grants $15,216 in financial assistance to the Centre de transfert technologique en écologie industrielle (CTTEI). This amount will be used to carry out a $21,738 study aimed, among other things, at identifying potential industrial synergies between the Contrecœur-Varennes and Sorel-Tracy industrial port zones (IP zones). The Minister En savoir plus surQuébec is supporting a study on industrial synergies between the Contrecœur-Varennes and Sorel-Tracy IP zones [...].


RECYC-QUÉBEC injects $180,000 into Kamouraska: from the industrial symbiosis to the circular economy

As proactive as ever in its desire to establish the circular economy in the Kamouraska region, the Société d'aide au développement de la collectivité (SADC) du Kamouraska obtained financial assistance of $180,000 from RECYC-QUÉBEC as part of the Transition to the Circular Economy (APTEC) call for proposals. The CFDC is thus continuing to deploy its new initiative to help the Kamouraska region move toward a circular economy. The CFDC is injecting $180,000 into Kamouraska: from the industrial symbiosis to the circular economy ...
